Daisy HolderA Intro to Disability HistoryMany people have asked me over the last few months for a good place to start learning about disability history, but arguably, there isn't...
Daisy HolderThe Covid Disability ArchiveEVEN NEWER AND MORE IMPROVED: Go to www.coviddisabilityarchive.com for this same information but with a more logical domain! There is a...
Daisy HolderThe Law According to Disabled People (in the UK)I've decided to write a few quick primers to disability history, as I haven't written anything here for a while since I've been working...
Daisy HolderLockdown History: Now That Everything Is Suddenly AccessibleWhile this pandemic has put a spanner in the works of a lot of academic historical projects, mine included, it has vastly increased the...
Daisy HolderThe Disability History Glossary, or The History of Disability Words.EVEN MORE OF A CONTENT WARNING THAN ABOVE. This post is made up of historical terms for disability of which many are considered extremely...
Daisy HolderMesmerism: When Leeches in the Eyes Doesn't WorkEver wondered where the terms "mesmerising" and "animal magnetism" come from? No? Well you're about to find out anyway so shut up.
Daisy HolderBefore All Else, An Ugly Face: Ye Ugly Face Clubb of LiverpoolHey look, this isn't about the Coronavirus! Ugly Clubs were an invention of the long 18th Century (generally covering the time between...